Welcome to the recap of our webinar “Webinar Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility part III: Exploring Public-Private Partnerships, Connectivity, and Hubs on 3 April 2024. Organized by the Smart Mobility Embassy, the international label of Connekt. In this session we discovered how public-private partnerships drive innovation, STOMP promotes behavior change, and mobility hubs enhance accessibility.

This webinar marked the third and last of a series of events leading up to Intertraffic Amsterdam, 16 till 19 of April 2024.  Thank you for joining us, looking forward meeting up soon!


Watch the live recording of the event in full:


“Smart Mobility Wheel’: an integral mobility approach for spatial development” by Ties Bongers, Advisor Mobility and spatial development – Goudappel

– Mobility is not a goal on its own, it is a mean by which multiple goals can be achieved
– Include mobility in early phases of area development
– Adopt an integrated approach, measures on different themes can reinforce each other

Bio Ties Bongers
Ties is a mobility expert and specialized in the relation between mobility and the urban environment. As consultant ‘mobility and urban development’ at Goudappel he applies this knowledge in various projects in Dutch cities, especially focused on incorporating mobility in the early stages of spatial (urban) development. Ties has a background in ‘System engineering, policy analysis and management’ and ‘Transport, Infrastructure & Logstics’ at the Delft university of Technology, which enables him to analyse complex issues with attention for different stakeholders, interests and both technical and social components.

“Speeding up the mobility transition” by Joost van der Made, Director Transport Services – Capgemini

– The mobility transition requires a shift in when, where to- and how we travel, nudging upwards in the mobility pyramid (STOMP)
– ‘New’ sustainable (combi-) journeys require more attraction and less hassle and a re-design of the future customer experience
– We need to solve the practical obstacles to new travel behavior, something people need to EXPERIENCE for >3 weeks to warm up and change (20% convergence within reach!)

Bio Joost van der Made
Joost van der Made is Director Transport Services for Capgemini Invent and helps stakeholders accelerate the transition towards sustainable-, shared- and scalable mobility. His focus is on turning vision into innovative yet concrete concepts and drive (digital) implementation. This partners well with his secondary role as Creative Lead of the Embassy of Mobility for the Dutch Design Foundation – an initiative funded by the Dutch government to connect the Creative Sector to the big socio-economic challenges. Joost has a Master of Science in Industrial Design Engineering. His passion for mobility started at TomTom in his role of VP Product & Portfolio Management. As Head of Innovation & Concept Design, Joost worked for 8 years for the Dutch Railways. In this role he used innovation and deep consumer insights to design the future customer journey from door to door including digital applications, future train interior and train stations as Mobility-as-a-Service hubs.

“Standardization” by Ayse Öcal, Community Manager Shared Mobility – Nationaal toegangspunt mobiliteitsdata (NTM)

– Unlocking Potential
– The power of building trust
– Win-Win for all

Bio Ayse Öcal
Ayse Öcal has a background in public-private partnerships in the Traffic Management world. Through research into the European public-private partnership project Socrates 2.0 and research into data ecosystems in the mobility world. She is currently a Community Manager for shared mobility at the Dutch national access point for mobility data, where she mainly focuses on standardized data exchange between shared mobility providers and cities.

“Sustainable area development and mobility hubs” by Edwin Thoen, Knowledge Worker Traffic and Transportation CROW in conjunction with Jan Harmen Akkerman Founder TanQyou

– CROW is all about developing knowledge and sharing this knowledge
– Mixture of web based tools and articles along with interactive products like knowledge meetings and serious game Mobipolis
– Focus on DMI and connecting professionals within the domain of developing mobility hubs

– Public and Private Co Creation
– Developing a network
– Designing and building
– Maintenance

Bio Edwin Thoen
Edwin Thoen is a knowledge worker at CROW since June last year. In this occupation, Edwin develops and shares knowledge on all kinds of subjects that all have mobility in common: mobility hubs is the subject for today but Edwin currently also develops an assessment framework for distributor roads with a speed limit of 60 km/h instead of the usual 80 km/h, a handbook on behalf of accessibility (both physical as well as mental), guidelines for demarcation and marking just to name a few. Edwin has been a traffic engineer as well as a policy maker for the local authority for the last 25 years. He’s also graduated in nursing home care which serves him well within the development of the handbook for accessibility.

Bio Jan Harmen Akkerman
Founder of TanQyou and an ambassador for MaaS and Mobility Hubs. Convinced of the energy transition and believes technology and approaching existing infrastructures differently can bring about big changes.

“Urban Strategy – Exploring the Practicalities of Digital City Twins for Policy Considerations on Mobility and Urbanization Challenges”– by Peter van Buijtene, Sr. Strategic Partnership Manager – TNO

– In intergral approach is necessary to recap all benefits of good mobility planning and avoid trade-offs
– Due to its speed Urban Strategy allows for an integral an interactive approach
– Urban Strategy is versatile and provides a platform to combine different datasets and models

Bio Peter van Buijtene
Peter is Sr. Strategic Partnership Manager at TNO Mobility & Built Environment. His drive is to provide insights and support with TNO knowledge and tooling support to find solutions for complex urbanization issues, and always in close collaboration with our partners. He gained his experience in business innovation, strategy consultancy and business modeling at KLM, PostNL and Eneco. Since 2021, he has been working at TNO mainly on developing and deploying Urban Strategy, a platform to build Digital City Twins for managing urban planning, mobility planning, energy and to map effects on people and their living environment.


Remember that the organizations represented by our speakers can be found at the Connekt-Pavilion during Intertraffic, 02.210!

And please join in with at at our livesession at Intertraffic on April 17th, 13:30-14:15, for “Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: Dutch Innovations” with Connekt (ITS Netherlands), BUKO, Capgemini, CROW, Goudappel, NDW, NTM, Technolution, TNO, and moderator Ministery of Infrastructure and Watermanagement DGMI. This session is also organized by Smart Mobility Embassy, the international label of Connekt. In this webinar you can gain insights into transformative trials shaping sustainable urban mobility. Engage in this live panel discussion, and network afterwards at the Connekt pavilion in Hall 2, stand 02.210.

Questions or more information? 

Please don’t hesitate to contact Marije de Nijs – Connekt/ITS Netherlands: marije.denijs@connekt.nl