Last month the Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024 took place: 4 days, 900 exhibitors and 35,000 visitors from more than 100 countries!

Intertraffic 2024 is behind us! We look back very positively on a fantastic week. We really enjoyed the fact that so many members, potential members and other relations visited the Connekt Pavilion. We have received many positive reactions, welcomed new members to our network and not to forget: signed again for participation in Intertraffic Amsterdam 2026!

Connect Pavilion

Upon entering hall two you encountered the Dutch Area: Connekt, Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and Royal HaskoningDHV formed the “Dutch Area” during the Intertraffic 2024. This Dutch Area was set up to draw the attention of international visitors to Dutch knowledge and know-how in the field of mobility.

Visitors to the Connekt Pavilion gained insight into technologies and sustainable solutions from members present: NTM, NDW, Technolution, Goudappel, CROW, Rijkswaterstaat, TNO, Capgemini, BUKO and DITM.

Smart Mobility Embassy

Prior to the Intertraffic, the Smart Mobility Embassy organized three well-attended webinars with the aim of giving the foreign network an overview and insight into Dutch mobility challenges and solutions. “Decoding Dutch Mobility: Traffic management and data in practical examples” took place on February 13, “A Dutch Perspective on EVs, Charging, and Active Travel” on March 12, and the final webinar on “Public-Private Partnerships, Connectivity, and Hubs”.

During the Intertraffic, the Smart Mobility Embassy gave various delegations a tour of the Connekt Pavilion. The aim was to connect Connekt members worldwide and stimulate collaboration in existing mobility solutions and innovations. The guided delegations included from Finland, Canada and France. In addition, there were delegations from Dutch embassies from Germany, France and Sweden, Business Developers from RVO and a visit from the French Ambassador François Alabrune.

After a breakfast session at the French Consulate with Royal HaskoningDHV and Cyclomedia, the session organized by Smart Mobility Embassy took place in the Intertraffic Theater on Wednesday afternoon. The topic was ‘Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: Sustainable Innovations and Pilots in the Netherlands’. Led by moderator Els de Wit from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, DGMI International Affairs Directorate, speakers from BUKO, Capgemini, CROW, Goudappel, National Traffic Data Portal, Technolution and TNO provided a well-attended and interesting session.

Wednesday ended with an international dinner at CapitalC in Amsterdam. With 105 guests, mainly from abroad, the evening was filled with fascinating conversations and valuable connections.

We would like to thank everyone who took part and contributed to the vibrant energy of the evening and throughout the days at the Connekt Pavilion. Without the involvement of members this would certainly not have been possible! Our thanks for this and on to Intertraffic 2026!